Sometimes you're better off replacing your old iPhone 6 with a newer, more powerful model. There are three main reasons why you might want to consider upgrading your iPhone:

  1. Repairs can be expensive and Apple occasionally adds older products to their "Vintage and obsolete products" list.
  2. You can get a great deal on a new smartphone when you switch cell phone carriers.
  3. New phones have awesome new features and technology.

Let's go more in-depth about each of these points.

Expensive Repairs

When your iPhone 6 breaks, you usually have two options. Pay a large sum to have your phone repaired, or put that money towards upgrading to a newer and better phone.

Additionally, it gets increasingly difficult to find a reliable repair options when dealing with older phones. Apple discontinues support for older devices that they deem to be vintage or obsolete. The iPhone 6 isn't on this list yet, but it will be soon.

When the iPhone 6 is added, you'll have to find a reliable third-party repair company or fix it yourself if you want to keep your phone in decent shape.

Many Carriers Offer Great Phone Deals When Switch

Many wireless carriers offer tremendous discounts on new cell phones when you switch. You may find that you could actually save money by switching carriers and upgrading your phone.

New Phones Have Better Features

The iPhone has come a long way since the 6. New phones have larger displays, better cameras with optical zoom, wireless charging, facial recognition software, augmented reality capabilities, and much more.

You've been looking for an excuse to buy a new smartphone. Here's your chance!

How Do I Upgrade My iPhone 6?

  1. Go to the cell phone comparison tool.
  2. Use the filters to select the phone brand and model you'd like. You can also sort by features like storage and operating system.
  3. Click on the phone name to view more details about it, or click the "# Plans" button to see which cell phone plans are compatible with the phone.

Pro Tips

  • If you can't upgrade your iPhone 6 through your carrier, you can sell it to someone else. Then, you'll be able to use those funds to help purchase a brand new cell phone!
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