Best Apps To Sell Art

Best Apps To Sell Art

If you're an artist who's looking for ways to sell your art, then we're here to help. Only a few years ago, selling art was a tremendous challenge. You had to have the financial resources and contacts to get your art into a gallery and hold an exhibition. If this wasn’t an option, you had to stand in the street and hope to sell your artwork to a passerby. Today, you have the opportunity to sell your work at your convenience, while sitting in your apartment and drinking your favorite coffee. All you need is the right app to market your piece online, so buyers can find you. Don’t know which apps to use? In this article, we'll break down the best apps to sell your art.


International Marketplace

Artsy features art from all around the world and from different movements and styles. They accept art both from individual and amateur artists as well as renowned galleries. With over 1 million pieces by over 100,000 artists, Artsy is most shoppers’ number one choice when it comes to exploring and purchasing art. Plus, the app collaborates with 3,000+ galleries, over 80 art fairs, and premier auction houses. It has truly cultivated a culture of healthy competition and built an environment of growth and excellence.

Tailored Recommendations

On Artsy, customers interested in your work are immediately notified when you upload a new piece. To receive notifications, all they need to do is tap the Follow button. This enables them to get live updates whenever you post and be the first to explore your recent additions. Live updates will keep your clients engaged and coming back, so you can build a great reputation and customer loyalty. Make sure people remember you and your art by posting consistently and with respect to quality!

Discovering Artists

When a buyer browses an artist's page with a style similar to yours, the app features your profile in the Discover list to provide the viewer with the widest possible selection of artwork. This is of great value to you as an artist, as it helps you get discovered without any additional effort on your part. Moreover, you can explore and discover new artists every time you browse Artsy. Plus, following other artists might inspire your next piece.

Augmented Reality

The augmented reality feature allows buyers to see how a specific piece would look on their wall before they buy it. This is a great support not only for customers, but also for you as an artist. For example, you won't have to deal with as many returns. With the AR feature, buyers can make informed decisions, and you can enjoy the peace of mind knowing that once it’s sold, it’s gone!

Consign Your Artworks

Artsy will help you find and connect with premier galleries and well renowned auction houses, so that you never miss a chance to market your art. Every time you submit a consignment, the app will promote your individual pieces or collection to sellers across the globe. Thanks to Artsy’s global network, finding worldwide collaboration opportunities is as easy as pie.

Events In Art Capitals

Exploring events in the world’s art capitals has never been easier. Artsy lets you navigate top-tier gallery shows, art fairs, and exhibitions around the world, serving as a comprehensive guide in your virtual artistic journey. What’s more, the app offers a special City Guide feature, in partnership with BMW. This function allows you to discover top exhibitions in artistic cities. Then, you can build a personalized itinerary in six world-class cultural centers by mapping out events and choosing what activities resonate with you.

Collecting Art

Additionally, buyers can choose to purchase an artwork either by collecting it from the gallery directly or through inquiry. The app also enables customers to bid more efficiently, as it sends out real-time updates about their bid status. This way, they won't miss out on important changes. They'll receive outbid notifications, as well as real-time alerts, especially when their favorite artist's pieces come up for sale. This is an extremely valuable feature for you, as you don’t have to manually inform your followers about every new artwork. The app does everything for you, so you can focus on creating.


A Membership Platform

Patreon offers a membership platform where fans pay creators a subscription amount of their choice in exchange for exclusive experiences. Creators, on the other hand, get access to a revenue stream. In short, Patreon enables buyers to find what they're looking for and helps creators get discovered with minimal effort. It's the ultimate win-win!

Create & Share

What I like most about Patreon is that you can share an unlimited number of pieces, without having to follow a specific movement or style. Let your creativity blossom by giving it all of the freedom it needs, without the financial constraints. Then, feel free to share your art with your patrons to get paid for your hard work.

Commenting On Posts

Patreon lets you communicate with your clients effectively and effortlessly. The app lets you leave comments directly on posts, making it easy to ask and answer any questions. You can even post photo comments to let potential customers explore your artwork in detail. This will help you avoid any inconveniences after the piece has been sold. Alternatively, you can use the comments section to provide any important information on your work and help your clients make informed decisions.

Actionable Insights

The app provides you with actionable insights to help you better understand your audience and build a solid optimization strategy. These insights will help you to collect the right data and use it efficiently. Understand your audience and use better targeting and market segmentation strategies to keep your clients coming back. Remember, a long-term creator-fan relationship requires nothing more than identifying customer needs, responding to them, and soliciting valuable feedback at every stage of the process.

Live Chats

Hosting live chats is another great way to interact with fans. You can ask and answer questions, exchange ideas, and give your fans ‘snippet’ previews of your upcoming creative projects. Healthy, transparent communication is one of the most essential components to build a lasting relationship with your clients. Patreon provides you with all of the necessary tools to make communication as smooth and effective as possible.

Let Your Art Speak Your Soul!

Express your thoughts and feelings through the power of your art and let others find themselves in the tiny details of your work. Create what your soul wants without worrying about the financial side of things. Focus on what matters to you, and these best apps for selling art will take care of the rest! Thanks for reading and if you know an artist looking to sell or just boost their viewership, be sure to send them this article.

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