Like any other device, it's important to keep your HomePod up to date. Software updates can fix software bugs and introduce new features.

HomePods usually automatically install a new software update as soon as it's available. However, it's a good idea to check if an update is available, just in case the new update didn't install on its own.

How Do I Update My HomePod?

  1. Open the Home app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the Home icon (small house) in the top left of the Home app display.
  3. Select Home Settings.
  4. Tap Software Update.
  5. If your HomePod is caught up on software updates, the Home app will say so here.
  6. If you see an update availabletap Install Update.
  7. If you'd like your HomePod to update on its own from now on, select Install Updates Automatically while you're here.

Pro Tips

  • Before trying to update your HomePod, you'll also want to make sure that your iPhone's software is up to date as well. If you have the latest iOS installed on your iPhone already, it will increase the likelihood that the update will complete properly.
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